Free Ways to Support new parents

Financial stress is a part of life that we all face from time to time. Whether you are out of work, saving for something exciting, or planning for retirement, the world keeps going regardless of your financial situation. Sometimes it seems like there is always something going on that you feel you must contribute to. Weddings, baby showers, bridal showers, and birthday parties stack up, and over time the costs can be substantial (even when we are happy to contribute).

Luckily, there are many cost-free ways to help support new parents. In lieu of a physical or financial gift, simply spending time to be there for a new mom, can be more than enough! Even when all of the newborns needs are being met, a new parents level of self care can be in short supply.

Here are some game changing ways to help a new parent without spending anything other than your time:

Come Play with the Baby

Having someone need you 24/7 leaves little time for self care. We are thrilled to be there every time our children need us, but that can come at a cost. By keeping the baby engaged, new parents can have little to no break time to make themselves a priority. Trust me, this one is 100% necessary. 

When you help keep the baby busy, parents can:

-Take a REAL shower: lather, shave, maybe even dry or do their hair! Because while that new baby smell is great on them, the spit up smells on us are definitely not as welcomed.

-Get a workout in.

-Enjoy a meal in one sitting while it is still warm!

-Lay down and rest without feeling guilty. 

-Catch up with friends because sometime after that baby comes, text message conversations can go on for days and never be finished. Take some time to actually catch up with people.

-Read a book

Help around the house

There is always something to be done.

You can offer to:

-Do the dishes

-Fold some laundry

-Offer to do the grocery shopping or help run errands

Allow for one on one time

Keep bonds strong between family members. It is easy to get resentful of others when you are only spending time meeting the needs and expectations of others. Everyone deserves time to connect, bond, and enjoy the ones they love without distractions. 

Watch the baby or other children to help so:

-If there are other siblings, let mom spend some quality time with each one on their own (even if its just playing a game or putting together a puzzle).

-Also, if there are other siblings, take them out so that mom can spend some one on one time with her baby.

-Take care of the baby so that mom and her partner can have a date night (or even a full meal alone together). 

-Watch the baby so that mom can go out with a friend for a walk, lunch, or a pedicure. Maintaining a social life is totally needed during this time.


Supporting New Parents From A Distance


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